5 Reasons Why A Remote Team Building Is Better For Business
With so much happening quickly in our personal and professional lives, it’s no surprise that we are experiencing every feeling a human can experience. We have gone from working in an office surrounded by our coworkers working hard, joking, and having a good time working from home in the middle of a pandemic in a year.
Despite these wild changes, we are impressed by how businesses and individuals have banded together and managed to keep going. Now is the ideal time to collaborate via Zoom with so much going on!
The trend of employing remote workers shows no signs of slowing down. According to a poll done by Owl Labs, 16% of worldwide organizations are now entirely remote, and 52% of employees work from home at least one day per week.
Although there are challenges in hiring and organizing a remote workforce, the reality is that working with a remote team building may be one of the best business decisions you can make. Many persons have been using remote workers for over a decade, and the major benefit for them is that they can work remotely and be digital nomads since they have remote staff. There are 8 Ultimate Steps For Hiring A Remote Software Development Team
There are several other benefits worth considering, all of which have been supported by various studies and research:
- Employees working from home are more productive:
Teams that work remotely get more done in very less time. allowing them to start multiple new projects, spend more time doing what they’re good at, and ultimately improve your bottom line.
There are a few facets of this that are common sense. Because of the following factors, remote workers are more productive:
- They are not mandated to commute to work.
- They are unaffected by their coworkers’ distractions.
- Short breaks are available whenever they need to be.
- They have a more flexible schedule.
- They have a strong sense of self-motivation.
According to the study done by the University of Illinois, telecommuters also go above and beyond the duty to be good citizens and provide a little extra to their organizations.
2. You will be able to tap into a larger talent pool:
If your company is based in your neighborhood, you will have a limited pool of candidates to choose from. You may be able to persuade some people to relocate to your office, but that will not work with every potential employee. You’ll be relying on the local talent pool for the most part.
As you open yourself up to the world as a remote worker, all of that changes. While a person was traveling the world, he employed remote workers from Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
You will be able to attract even more talent by opening yourself up to applications worldwide. According to a survey performed by After College, 68% of millennials would prefer a prospective employer if remote work was an option.
Remote work also improves retention rates by 10%, allowing you to maintain more of your top employees for longer periods. If you are also planning to extend your Remote team, the you must read this article IT Staff Augmentation — A Model to Extend Your Team
3. Save More with Remote Workers:
To run a business, you don’t need to rent office space. There are some benefits to bringing your entire workforce together in one location, but your prices will also rise. Remote teams can make a substantial difference in the other direction.
You don’t require sufficient infrastructure to have a remote team-building option. It allows you to start a business without even having a physical location. You can’t just establish and manage your team from home; you can also manage your entire organization. Many modern businesses now operate remotely.
As a result, infrastructure and workplace management expenses and resources are reduced. Employees can work remotely if a remote IT team develops the infrastructure.
The average annual real estate savings for full-time teleworkers, according to PGi, is $10,000 per employee. Aetna, the insurance behemoth, cut 2.7 million square feet of office space, saving $78 million per year. Remote workers’ cost-cutting potential alone makes them a significant lure.
Furthermore, remote IT teams provide the organization with long-term benefits. The main advantage is cost savings. A well-developed software is all a remote team requires for effective management. It’s not always necessary to spend a lot of money on materials. Your company profitability can be increased.